Friday, August 11, 2006

I'm a reasonable guy, I really am.

But with the news today that there was yet another terrorism plot was in the works in England. The problem is Liberals just don't take this stuff seriously enough. In fact, the Repubs don't take it seriously enough either. That's why I'm quitting DKOS and from this day forth, this site explore my new political ideology and paradigms.

(cue the title track to Judas Priest seminal 1982 lp, Screaming for Vengeance! BA-DOOM!!!)

NUKE EM!!!!!!



I mean shit! There's terrorists out there people! TERRORISM! SHIT-GODDAMN! I never would have known. Next thing you know there'll be CRIME in the streets! People robbing homes,
stealing cars, dealing drugs, and taping football games WITHOUT the express written permission of the NFL!

And there's all SORTS of other threats that people are NOT TAKING SERIOUSLY! Just the other day, I was out taking a walk and there I am standing on the curb, and a guy driving a car i.e., 3-TON KILLING MACHINE (ostensibly used for "transportation") drove not 10-INCHES away from me! 10 INCHES. I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!!!

People, there are threats like this ALL OVER and they need to be dealt with. Bush, I now realize, is a great man, who's got rotten luck. He's trying. He's been trying to deal with the threats to this great country but it's people like the ones at DailyKos who are gumming up the works. Therefore, my new website COMMONSENSANITY will be a forum to cut through the bull and illustrate what needs to be done in this country.

What needs to be done?


I mean, we've got the nukes right?? Hell YES we got em. So let's USE Em!!! It's the only way we're going to get these terrorist sumbitches under control!! Just Nuke em!!
It's so simple a three year old coulda thought of it!!

Wherever the terrorists are, let's NUKE EM!
You drop a nuke, clear out a good size area and you're DONE! Nothing to do but prop up the Stars and Stripes and put up a Starbucks!! Surely you libs can get with that!

Nukes are great instruments. They get a bad rap sometimes, but these are forces for good! We nuked Japan remember, right? Have you heard a thing out of those guys since then?
I mean, other than, "Oh Shit! Godzirra!"
No you haven't.
And there's a reason why kids, NUKES WORK.
There's not a problem in the world they can't solve and we gots lots a problems that need solvin'.

Iraq? We got ridda Saddam, but are they grateful? Hell No.

Iran? Crazy, power-mad, sumbitch in charge. Can't have that.

Syria? Terrorist Haven #1!!!

North Korea? That pint size, Mr. Magoo-lookin' sumbitch thinks we're gonna dance to his tune? BULLSHIT!

See how easy this all is?
A few well placed nukes and things will be just the way we want them. This'll send a message to all the other countries that might be thinking of fuckin' with us, and it'll have Western Union beat cold. If we're gonna be the world's policeman (and it looks we're gonna be) than I vote we be the Los Angeles Police. Beat some sense into the punks and *>>poof<<* crime problem SOLVED.

Of course if there are holdouts, we'll take them on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride too:

Pakistan? These guys they just caught were MOSTLY Pakistan!

Great Britain? They were all caught IN ENGLAND. Clearly, Great Britain, (or "Good Britain" as I like to call it, let's be honest here) is a terrorist haven! And their food stinks. No great loss here.

Mexico? No more immigrant problems!

Columbia? Say goodbye to the cocaine problem!

Saudi Arabia? Isn't Osama from there?

Germany? Let's see they started WWI, then they started I the only one who notices a pattern here?

Madagascar? Not really full of wacky, odd animiated creatures. Real inhabitants? Probably TERRORISTS!!

China? 1.3BILLION people, let's do the math. Even if only 2% of the are terrorists that's still...well, it's a lot!!

India? They're taking our jobs!

Argentina? One word. Evita. Worst. Musical. EVER.

Vietnam?? I know..that war's over...or IS IT???? One way to be sure...

Russia? I don't trust that stomach-kissin' bastard!

Canada? Too quiet up there! What the HELL are they planning!?!?

Italy? A long, long, long, history of loving criminals and terrorists.

South Korea? If we're gonna take out the North, might as well have a matching pair!

Finland?? One word. Bjork.

Monaco? Decadent royal family.

Greenland? Cold, isolated, and uninhabited. Perfect terrorist haven.

(cue downtempo NIN track)

After we've gotten the rest of the world in line -- well, whoever's left -- it's time to tackle the domestic agenda. That's right, I'm not some one-dimensional nutjob; I recognize that there are plenty of homegrown problems that need taking care of right here in the good ol' US of A.

Thankfully, most of these can be handled guessed it..


(cue John Williams score, but nothing from the overly guache Star Wars films)

Let's take Heart Disease? It killed 660,000 people last year. That's a lot of people!

Cancer? 550,000 dead.

Stroke? 158,000.

Obesity? 400,000. (although some might call this thinning the herd -literally)but still, even though they're FAT Americans, they're still AMERICANS, and they must be protected!

Cigarettes?? Over 450,000 people a year die from cigarette-related illnesses. And where do they grow this stuff? North Carolina and Virginia. So I have a modest proposal...

Remember what I was saying about that...that..CAR that nearly ran me over? 42,000 people --Americans -- were KILLED by those fuckers. And I almost became 42,001. This shit has got to stop. I did some reading and I discovered something. They're coming from Detroit. That's right every last car in this country comes right from there, the city that leads the nations in HOMICIDES. Coincidence. Yeah right.

Another leading cause of death in this county?? Poisoning. Poisoning?! Yes, poisoning! 14,500 DEAD AMERICANS.
And where does poison come from? Snakes! So at the risk of sounding like a broken record...

Another 14,000 people died from falling down. Yes, that's right, falling down. Your average Liberal would probably want some sort of "study" with "empirical data" and all that shit. While the average Republican would say lets start a Depart of Learn How To Stand Up Goddammit. Me? I say America - Love it or Leave it! So therefore, our mission is clear...

West Nile Virus? 285 deaths is 285 TOO MANY.

Drowning? Over 3,000 Americans, DEAD!

Heatstroke?? 300 dead! A relatively minor number you say? Maybe if you're a scum-sucking communist!

(cue the Star Spangled Banner)

I don't think I'm overreacting here. I simply refuse -- REFUSE -- to continue to live in a country where AMERICANS -- good, honest, decent, hard-working, salt-of-the-Earth, bible-toting, flag-waving, Apple-pie chomping, baseball-playing AMERICANS -- have to live in fear of dying!

If we're gonna let people just fucking fall over dead every day I mean, shit, the terrorists have already won. The government needs to be on top of every single tornado, lightning strike, pit bull attack, and potential Grand Funk Railroad reunion.

In case you're wondering, yes, I blame Clinton for 9/11. I also blame Clinton. I blame the first Bush too. And Reagan. And Ford. And Carter.And Nixon. Basically, every president up to Garfield is to blame. I'll cut his six-months-in-office-slacker-ass a break.

But hey, it's not about assessing blame. I don't want to live in a country where I'm at risk of a terrorist
attack. Or a Bird Flu attack. Or a Big Mac Attack. I don't want be at risk of living with risk. Risk is just to risky to deal with.

So to all of you here who may be similarly sobered up by yesterday's events, I say, "join me."

Thursday, August 10, 2006

THIS is the woman I love more than anyone in the world.

Ok, for right now. In, say, a month or so there will probably be someone else.
Layla, (I'm not sure of her last name) is a contestant on the Diva Search sponsored by World Wrestling Entertainment. Now normally I and the majority of my wrestling brethren hate hate HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTEE this contest. But Layla has been a bright spot. Yes she looks and sounds a little too much like Mel B aka Scary Spice, but I'm not holding that against her. She's fab in every way, (face, body, personality, breasts) and I would amputate my left arm to get with her. Sadly, she probably won't win, as wrestling fans seem engineered to love the fake titted blondes, like competitor Jen. So We'll see.

Lamont Won.

Cal Thomas in radio commentary today called us "Hezbollah Democrats". Meanwhile Lanni Davis was on Satan & Friends this morning blasting away at Lamont and the blogosphere.

These guys suck and it proves that the RNM - Republican Noise Machine is going to use this as momentum going into November just as much as we are.

To sum up my feelings, I'd just like to the essay by Michael Goodwin of the NY Daily News that perfectly exemplifies these dicks.

Win for the Wackadoo Wing

Leftward, march! The sucking sound you heard from Connecticut last night was the air going out of the war on terror. At least among many Democrats.


So now that the wackadoo wing of the party has a bloody scalp, what are they going to do with it? Wave it at Islamic terrorists in Iraq and Lebanon and Afghanistan and Indonesia and Great Britain and Spain and Israel and New York and declare peace? That will work for sure. They better also wear armor and duck.

Say what you want about Hilary, she had an excellent point in her showdown with Rummy. This is not 2003 or 2004. The name calling just isn't going to work right now. People aren't going with gut reactions and falling in line behind the Bush Troops. They're using their eyes and ears. They can see things aren't improving in Iraq and at this point it can't STILL be Bill Clinton's fault.

Lieberman is the first casualty of the war against the war on terror. If last night's results are a window on the party's tilt, then a huge slice of the Democratic party is ready to sit out the war to protect America. God help us if the Republicans also get the wobblies. Let's hope the Connecticut Condition isn't contagious. And let's hope last night's decision is overturned.

Lieberman's decision to stay in the race as an independent is the right one. Given the close margin, all the state's voters deserve a chance to have their say. Perhaps they will fix what the Democrats broke.

In other words, the people of Connecticut don't know what's good for them. But of course, Bush's wins in 2000 and 2004? Totally legit! Nothing broken here.

That many Americans are disgusted with events in Iraq is understandable. Nothing has gone as planned or promised, a point Lieberman made with some regularity. But wars never go easily, and thus are always unpopular at some point.

Even "good" wars have their bad moments, causing otherwise sensible people to look for the exits.

That is happening across our nation with Iraq, which, given the lousy intelligence on weapons of mass destruction, never was a "good" war. Yet Iraq, in all its hellishness, is important, even vital to regional stability and American security. Unplug America's commitment there, which is what the Lamont crowd is about, and how exactly does that help us? Will the terrorists suddenly stop attacking us and our allies?

Unbelievable. He basically makes the point that the blogosphere has been making for years, and then tries to defend it with the "fight them over there instead of over here."

And does the price of peace also require us to abandon Israel and the moderate Arab governments who are our allies in fighting the terrorists? Indeed, there was a surreal quality to the television news last night: Stations cutting away from the Israeli-Hezbollah war to update the election results, and vice versa. Too bad no one thought to link them as two parts of one story, which is what they are.

Again, unbelievable because he supports our point...and misses it! The breakdown in lebanon isn't Bush's fault (at least not directly) but it's proof positive that the Iraq War has "stabilized" only two things: Jack and Shit.

Congressional Democratic leaders recently demanded that Bush begin withdrawing our troops this year, regardless of events in Iraq.

This is fantasy. And that's what Lamont's victory is based on. That somehow we can pull out of Iraq, tell the terrorists they win - and we and our allies will not suffer any consequences. And if those Islamists misbehave, well, we'll just scoot back over there with our police force and arrest those naughty fellows.

And Mr. Goodwin, what plan does the Bush Admin have to stop the civil war, and also drive the Taliban and associated warlords who are BACK in Iraq, (and Somalia)?????

I believe that Islamic terrorists will stop at nothing in their mad quest to rule the globe. As a result, World War III has started, whether we like it or not. It will continue, whether we fight back or not. But if we think we can win by not fighting, then we're not just wrong. We're nuts. As in nutmeg.

And since we're in WWIII, Goodwin supports a draft, a rollback of the tax cuts, rationing of gasoline, and throughouly encourages his children, nephews, and nieces to join the army or marines.

These guys are just all screwed. The American people are not idiots. OK, let me rephrase that. A lot of them ARE in fact idiots. The fact that GWB could be voted for president twice, (even with all the trickery involved) proves that. The fact that American Idol is the number one show in America proves it too.

BUT -- except for the dumbest, currently corralled safely away in Utah and Idaho, you can't fool them forever. 2005 was the year people started waking up and realizing what a idiot this guy was. And they realize that Iraq is NOT going away anytime soon. We've basically adopted an entire country -- a country full of somewhat, er, obstinate religious types. 2500 dead and 16,000 wounded and no end in sight.

That's why Lamont Won. IDIOTS.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Its Tuesday!

The always hilarious Joel Stein has a piece on how Mel Gibson's arrest is all the Jews' fault.

Movie companies relying ever more on revenue from foreign markets. And we wonder why they hate us.

I have finally discovered Maddox. He's funny, I'll throw him a link. I don't see why everyone's saying he's SOOO Outrageous though. Whenever I decide to get up off my lazy ass and do a whole list of links. Man this blogging is hard work!! Maybe not as hard as being Prezdent and all, but still...!


Haven't seen the Prez..sorry...VEEP in a couple of months now!! What's he up to?
Still trying to get that 666 scrubbed off his forehead?? The more that hair thins...

New Sign in Front of the White House:


Pizza for everyone!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday Roundup:

Talladega Nights with $47M. Didn't see it but it looks appreciably funny. America still seems to have commitment problems with Will Ferrell. Loved him in Elf and Old School , but said no thanks to Kicking and Screaming. I would love to know how popular this movie was with the NASCAR crowd, but I don't know if they'll break down results like that.

When logging on to comics sites I use the name "Jason Todd". For those of you not "graphic-novel inclined" he was the second person to be Batman's sideckick Robin. He was not a good solider. He was badass and it got him killed by the Joker. And then, he came back from the grave. Still badass, and homicidal this time. I have an affinity for Jason for two reasons: One, the "Death In The Family" storyline where he was killed was pretty much my first time buying a DC comic on my own. (Straight up Marvel Zombie, I was) Secondly: I relate to Jason, being a hardhead myself and having taken a few hits to the head, and then bouncing back. Also he's sticking it to Batman but GOOD. And he ditched that totally gay Robin costume. So he's my guy, Superboy punches be damned.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Seth Janklowicz. Born May 19, 1969.

I was born a poor black child in the South...

Kidding. I do that a lot.

Seriously I was born in Long Island, New York. (or Lawn Guyland as my fellow countrymen call it.) Like Howard Stern, I have the distinction of being one of the few non-African Americans in the town of Roosevelt. (Roosevelt, Wyandanch, Hempstead, Freeport, Uniondale -- these were all the main "ghetto parts" of Long Island. They spawned several stars such as Julius Erving, Eddie Murphy, and tons of rappers like Public Enemy, EPMD, Busta Rhymes, and others)Admittedly though, I did not go to any of the local high schools, but instead to one of the preppiest of prep schools, Woodmere Academy.

However, I value my time growing up there as I experienced a closesness to black people that few jews or whites in general ever get. In my writings you'll see times where I talk about black topics or black history or such, not because I think I have some sort of "ghetto pass" but because I have first-hand knowledge of the history and struggles of African Americans.

Both my parents were teachers, and strong civil rights advocates. My father, like many jews, hates racism or bigotry in any form. And he passed along to me and my two siblings and his students a worldview that there is only ONE human race not several, and if one person in America is denied their civil rights we are all denied civil rights. I would add something to that though: We are a nation of different cultures, subcultures and "tribes" if you will and resistance to outsiders is not necessarily always racism. I'm sure I'll be expounding more on this later.

I went to college, Long Island U, got my degree in communications and immediately set out to see some more of the world beyond the Verrazanos Bridge. Traveled out to California and even spent a little time in Texas. Tried to get into the movie biz and while I got some middling work in radio, my naive 22-year old ass quickly discovered that trying to compete with about 8Billion other damned communications majors just wasn't cutting it. Los Angeles is a...well its a different sort of place than planet Earth. San Francisco is kinda the same. I'm sure I'll be expounding more on this later.

I had to leave California though as much as I liked it. The reason? One word. Drugs.
Now I didn't get so fucked up that I had to go through, like a dozen rehabs. Nor did I have a $1000 dollar a day coke habit. Where pot, jack daniels, ectasy and yes even coke a few times did me in was that I would just forget to do shit. Forget to file tax returns, forget to bring the car in for that tune-up, forget that deadline, forget this forget that. It was just too much. I had to get away from some of the people I hung out with and headed back to New York in the 1998 and then to Washington D.C. My folks do NOT know I was a druggie. They assume that the reason I haven't gone to grad school, directed a big-budged motion picture, cured cancer or visted Israel yet is because I "lack motivation". I'm in no rush to dissuade them of that.
I'm also in no rush to tell them that I've accepted mainstream Christianity in the course of recovering from drug use. They wouldn't understand, you can be a Jew and a Christian at the same time.

BTW, I'm against the Phony War On Drugs, big time. It has worked about as well as prohibition. Sure we should teach kids to avoid all unnatural effects. I mean shit, its ALL bad for you. But making it illegal doesn't work. I call it the Phony War because it allows administration after administration be it Dem or Repub, the opportunity to promote a "new front" or a "new program" or some shit. Dump a billion here for the police, another billion for more jails, and another billions for spraying pesticides in Columbia...I mean...shit.
You'll hear much more from me about this.

This is one two things that has gotten me involved in politics. The other is the Coup d'etat that this nation saw in the year 2000, when George W. Bush and his backers stole this country's election. That lit a fire under my ass big time. I fully believe that you can tie a direct line from John F Kennedy's assassination all the way to the enshrinement of George W. Bush.

Yes, I believe fully that the CIA or a secret cabel within same, DID in fact orchestrate the assassination of Kennedy, and not just because of Oliver Stone's flick.

So if you have come here to converse on that topic, great. It'll be a prime topic here for sure. I regularly scan about 10 newspapers a day, so I'm pretty well informed about a lot of things. Sociology, demographics, immigration, business, etc.
Note: I am not a hardcore "Liberal" in fact I don't even like the word because well, one, it has been successfully demonized by conservatives, and two, the very meaning of liberal is that one is open to other ideas, other than what has been deemed "liberal" over the years. There's a number of things I agree with conservatives on -- or at least the conservatives of generations past, not the Talk Radio Idiots of today. I believe in the politics of COMMON SENSE, hence the title of this blog.

This is also a place for me to rattle on my pop culture obsessions. I, like many Gen-Xers grew up in front of the TV and as a result have a head full of the minutiae of our TV culture. Im into music, movies, pro wrestling, basketball, comic books, conspiracy theories, etc etc. I don't really go too much for sports other than basketball, but I do keep up with things. In Washington DC if you're not concerned with the fate of the Redskins as if it's a life or death matter, you may be asked to visit St Elizabeth's -- the same place they've got John Hinckley Jr. shut away. You know Hinckley -- guy who shot Reagan. Guy who's parent's were VERY CLOSE TO THE BUSH FAMILY. Yes, the family of one George H.W.Bush. Who would have become President MUCH sooner than he eventually did if his FRIEND'S SON had had better aim.

You'll get tons of going-off-on tangent stuff like that from me.

Oh yes, you'll also get -- WOMEN!! I consider myself pretty progressive minded and all, (pro-choice, pro-ERA, pro-equal rights) but there's no doubt that I cannot resist a beautiful woman's visage. HOTTIES, DIMEPIECES, whatever you want to call them, I will willingly post pictures or link to websites with babes on it. Like this one for instance.
So women, you are welcome to come here, and I'm respectful, but I'm just puttin the cards on the table. I'm not a lech -- uh at least I don't think -- I respect the body as ART so nacherally, it follows that women would fall into that purview. I'm also into fuzzy kitties as well.

OK, enough for today. Time to show this to some of the mooks who inhabit RSPW,
(the usenet site for Rec.Sport.Pro-Wrestling, a place I've inhabited for years under various id's such as Boobah, Janklowicz, and DAVENOSPAM; about 728 posts thus far.)
See teh archive here.

Me -- albeit in my younger, thinner days. >>sigh<<