Monday, August 07, 2006
When logging on to comics sites I use the name "Jason Todd". For those of you not "graphic-novel inclined" he was the second person to be Batman's sideckick Robin. He was not a good solider. He was badass and it got him killed by the Joker. And then, he came back from the grave. Still badass, and homicidal this time. I have an affinity for Jason for two reasons: One, the "Death In The Family" storyline where he was killed was pretty much my first time buying a DC comic on my own. (Straight up Marvel Zombie, I was) Secondly: I relate to Jason, being a hardhead myself and having taken a few hits to the head, and then bouncing back. Also he's sticking it to Batman but GOOD. And he ditched that totally gay Robin costume. So he's my guy, Superboy punches be damned.
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